Tuesday, November 25, 2008

If He Runs Fast Enough, Maybe the Earth's Spin Will Reverse

Not a very creative attempt at Velvet Verbosity's 100 Words; it's just that Time has been on my mind lately.

How does time move both fast and slow? Five days creep by like the passing of a month, trapped in the house with a sick kid, trying not to spread his contagion. But sixteen months flit away like a fly I'm trying to catch with chopsticks. Those framed photos must be some other baby we knew once, because they're not him anymore. In constant motion, he's moved on. Now, for a moment, he'll stop and let me hold him. He'll press his head to my shoulder and gently pat my back, and the clock will freeze. Then time races on.


Anonymous said...

I think your last entry was a better title for this entry. But I think I'm just feeling the same way what with my Sweat Pea turning 3 in a couple of weeks. I look at her and feel all nostalgic. But the good thing is, I'm appreciating her and not yearning for another...because I could NOT handle another kid.

Patsy said...

I love the writing of young mothers as they marvel at the speed at which their babies grow. I so know what you mean. I looked the other day at my first born, and kissed each dimple on fat little cheeks and turned around to see a man who will soon be 40. How did that happen? It does not get easier.

anniemcq said...

oh so sweet.

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