Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Invisible Man

In junior high school and high school, I tried to be an invisible man. With rare exceptions, I kept a low profile in classes; I talked to few students. I knew only a handful of people, and only a handful knew me. For some of those years, I was spending more time with middle-aged drug addicts than I was with members of my graduating class.

Aerie decided to finally hop on the bandwagon this week and join Facebook. As she was setting up her account and looking for people she knows, she scrolled through the list of people from her high school graduating class. She read the names and marveled at the people she hadn't thought of in years: "In know him! I remember her!" So I decided to do the same. I scrolled through the list of my high school graduating class. I only recognized two names. And one of those, I can't remember anything but the name. The picture rings no bells.

So I succeeded. I was the invisible man. Aerie said, "So go back and look through your senior year book." I don't have one. I didn't get one. I didn't go to graduation, either. I was ready for my school days to be over, and I didn't think I'd ever care to remember any of it. And now, I don't.


Anonymous said...

I knew lots of people, but I wouldn't have called them friends or even acquaintances back then. I've actually ignored a couple of friend requests, because really? Do I need that person attached, if ever so slightly, to me now? Not really. Be as curmudgeony as you want.

Logical Libby said...

The question is, do you feel like you missed out on anything?

POPS said...

In his Fathers footsteps....

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