Thursday, August 30, 2007

All Symbolic and Whatnot

Last night I dreamed that Mrs. Rodius and I tried and tried to make the sweet, sweet love, but we couldn't because no matter what room we went into, we were interrupted by house guests that wouldn't leave us alone.


Anonymous said...


PureLight said...

The symbolism is obvious, the solution not so much. Three hours distance is just about right, don't you think?
Sadly, I am too old and too unhip to understand what Mini said!

Rich Robinson said...

Rodius, we are all very impressed with your grasp of the text messaging lingo. I wish I was so hip. JK. IMHO, these acronyms are stupid.

About a month after our Sam was born, I had the most vivid dream that Sam was crying, and when I went into his bedroom to pick him up, he was completely submerged under water inside his crib.

It was me that was drowning, though.

I find things like this fascinating -- I'm a Jungian psychoanalist in my other life.

Alas, we should not miss the most important point of this short story. For a brief moment, anyway, you were asleep. Keep fighting the good fight, my good man.

anniemcq said...

Love this post, and Love St. Rich's comment. I was having some crazy dreams not long ago, and told my doc about them, thinking they might be related to some meds I'm taking and she said "no, you're just sleeping long enough to dream again." Yay for sleep!

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