Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Happy Four Weeks Day

This really is a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. There was at least one day when I thought to myself that I was really in it way over my head. Sleep helps. Gripe Water doesn't, though. Things I would ask the boy if he only spoke English:

1. Why does nighttime cause you pain?

2. What's with the grunting and groaning? Even in your deepest sleep, you sound alternately like a cat, a dog, a pig, a horse... Is this practice for future rounds of Old MacDonald? It kinda makes you a lousy roommate. No offense.

3. Why does it aggrieve you so when I burp you or change your diaper? And speaking of burping, can you try doing a little more of it, please? It might help you not torment your mother with the screams of agony.

4. Do you hold it until the diaper comes off? Seriously. Statistically speaking, it's starting to look intentional.

5. Is your unbelievable cuteness an evolutionary survival trait? Without it, you might be in trouble...

Love ya! Now go to sleep, Grunty...


Steven Tyler's PJs said...

Awwwww..."Grunty"! So cute! It sounds like your little man has a humongous personality.

PureLight said...

I suppose that you are royally tired of people telling you that things will get better, yet they surely will. When I saw little Grunty he was relaxed and feeding well--yeah, I know, it was NOT the middle of the night, but still a good sign. Remember, we all had someone who was able to care for us through the peein', poopin', cryin', screamin' times, and totally forgive us later. And in your case, there was the worry that you didn't breathe very well from the get-go. When cystic fibrosis was suspected and then eliminated, we could cope with the rest of it. You guys are coping too, but for peace of mind a consult with the pediatrician might help. But I promised no advice unless asked, so that's NOT advice!

Anonymous said...

I feel like I cursed you with the Gripe Water not working for me. :(

IF, and only IF, you want to hear about all we went through with all 3 of my kids (who also all had gastrointestinal issues and 2 of which were severe enough to end up on prescription meds) let me know. Because otherwise it's just annoying to hear "well try this" and "try that".

Hang in there.

anniemcq said...

I'm cracking up that Tracey thinks she cursed your gripe water, because I was going to write to say that I cursed it by saying it worked so well for us.

Like people you don't know have any kind of control over your little guy's gastric woes. Like YOU do.

Oy. These babies will be the death of us.

The picture, though? He's completely smoochable. No wonder you haven't auctioned him off yet.

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