Friday, June 22, 2007

Girly Man

I'd read something about elevated estrogen levels in men living with pregnant chicks. I just spent the last half-hour sobbing with Mrs. Rodius through the end of Bridge to Terabithia. I can attest to the truth of the rumor.


PureLight said...

You are truly the most wonderfully, thoroughly pregnant guy ever, and I am so eagerly awaiting your upcoming "daddy blogs".

anniemcq said...

This made me giggle. I am so excited for you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Bailey saw Bridge (I bought him the book this spring - it was one of my favorite childhood books) last week in summer camp, and came home saying it was his "favorite movie"

So you're in good company.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately for you, Bailey, at the tender age of seven, is very much a girly man.

I'm kidding.

Sort of.

Seriously, though, I know what you're going through. You're lucky you're doing that walk/run program, or I'm sure you'd be putting on the sympathy weight as well. It really is an odd phenomenon. Some men even feel phantom pains in their stomach or groin. I actually had some symptoms of morning sickness.

The clinical term for sympathetic pregnancy in men is Couvade, but that's reserved for the real looneys. I think most men experience some sympathetic symptoms, and the sensitive guys like you and me feel it more on the emotional side.

But I wouldn't go around telling Mrs. Rodius that you're feeling sympathetic pregnancy issues, cause your likely to get smacked and told something like "You can talk to me about feeling my pain when you push a melon through your vagina."

Oh...and no Blog for me. I'm a listener, not a talker.

I, Rodius said...

What are you talking about, that was practically a blog entry right there. You're a natural!

Bailey is a mighty cute name, by the way. I promise not to steal it for Thumper, though.

Did you hear that, Mom? The name is NOT going to be Bailey...

PureLight said...

Ah, perhaps you "protest too much"! When I saw that you said NOT in CAPITALS, I became suspicious that his name will almost certainly be Bailey. I am still feeling partial to Zephir, however.

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