Tuesday, June 26, 2007

International Man of Mystery

I'm happy to report that, much like Hank, I am now an International Man of Mystery. Did I go somewhere exotic and exciting? No, not unless you count Ecology Action, and you might. It does have a sort of otherworldly quality to it. And a somewhat foreign odor.

So no, no exciting travel. But I did correspond today with a minister in the government of the Republic of South Africa. One that was jailed for his involvement with the United Democratic Front and the African National Congress. Exciting, right? His bio also says he used to be a hooker, but that's apparently some sort of rugby term and was in no way a factor in his incarceration.

Not as thrilling as the time I watched Matthew McConaughey and Jake Gyllenhaal throw a football around, but it seems more important somehow. More adult. More sophisticated. I emailed a South African minister today. And snail-mailed him. I hope I addressed the envelope correctly. As an American, it's my patriotic duty to remain completely unaware of how anything is done in nations other than my own.


PureLight said...

Okay, call me stupid (ohhh, you'd better NOT), but am I missing something here? WHY did you correspond with a minister in the government of South Africa? Why? Why? I did most appreciate your spot-on little zing at Americans there at the end, though.

I, Rodius said...

Oh, nothing exciting, just boring work-related stuff. I invited him to an event on behalf of somebody else.

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