Friday, July 20, 2007

Hippie Medicine

"So's your back any better?"

"Not really. It's not really down in the boo-tock like sciatica anymore, but my lower back is still driving me crazy. I'm doing all kinds of stretches and using the heating pad, but it won't go away. It's been about two weeks now. I've stopped working out, and I feel like I'm gaining weight again."

"Well, let me ask you this: do you feel like you can support your family?"

"Uh... On my back, you mean?"

"No, like financially. It's the first chakra. Are you worried about being able to support your family?"

"Well, I am going to quit my job and go down to part-time employment. It's going to be a big change in our household income. It's probably one of the biggest worries I have about the baby coming."

"Ah, see?"

"OK. So what do I do about it?"

"Well what do YOU feel like you should do about it?"


"$&%@! Stupid hippie medicine!"


anniemcq said...

Oh, GOD, this made me laugh out loud.

Not very comforting, I know.

But here's something someone said to us when we were pregnant with Joe-Henry:
Babies always arrive with a loaf of bread under their arms.

It will do no good, I know, to tell you that it will all work out as it should, but it will.

I, Rodius said...

I'm sure it will all work out. I wasn't even aware that I was that worried about it until a hippie told me so.

I hadn't heard that loaf of bread thing. I hope it's more like a sack o' cash. But Mrs. Rodius probably thinks it'll be tough enough getting his big ol' head through.

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