Tuesday, November 27, 2007

If He Gets a Fever, We Can Use Him to Iron Our Clothes

Items on our Action Plan, as expressed by the pediatrician:

1. Work on head control and neck strength. Check! Doc later said he's ahead of the game in this regard. Score one for the exceptional baby! Doc also said, while watching Thumper work the chin-up bar, "Wow, he's really strong!" OK, maybe I'm lying about the chin-up bar. But Doc did say he was really strong.

2. Increase the tummy time. We've been letting this one slide because one, it makes him puke, and two, it pisses him off. I think the puking and the pissing off may be related. Doc says pissing him off is just fine because it'll make him work that much harder, and puking is perfectly normal. But then he goes nose-first puke diving, which is kind of gross. Oh well. More tummy time it is, pissed off puke-diving be damned!

3. Try to get him to turn his head when he sleeps. Huh? Do what now? He has to sleep on his back or he'll spontaneously drop dead, but the back of his head is getting flat, so he shouldn't lay looking straight up or his brain will grow funny. Uh, OK. He loves to look at his Mama. Maybe we'll put a photo of her on each side of his crib, so he can stare lovingly at her with his head turned. While he's asleep. With his eyes closed. Uh, right. Anyway, if we can go another month with it at least not getting worse, he'll probably grow out of it. Personally, I'm rooting for that one, because, well, micro-managing where he puts pressure on his skull seems like a futile exercise.

But other than that, Doc says, "He looks great. Congratulations, y'all!"

P.S., Thanks to Mrs. Rodius for saying, "You could write about the flat head thing," because I had nothing. Is it December yet?


anne said...

ah yes, the flat head thing...

our two follicly-challenged babies "suffered" from this malady also, and they grew out of it.

their brains are fine, their heads are normally-shaped now. Once they learned to roll over on their own, slept on their sides and got hair (at about age 2) no one made rude comments about their heads anymore.

anniemcq said...

Oh, Lord you make me laugh.

"Who is that flat-headed child?" one asks

"The mighty Thumper!" answers another

suttonhoo said...

yay for mrs. rodius and the p.s. -- made me lol at work (when I really shoulda been working).

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