Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Walking with a Jogging Stroller is Kind of Embarrassing

We tried out the jogging stroller this morning, and I needn't have worried about Thumper's balance and abdominal strength; I forget all these things have NASCAR harnesses now. The only one who needed abdominal strength was me as I spent an embarrassingly long stretch of time wrestling with the stroller to get it unfolded, while the boy expressed his impatience.

He seemed to like sitting upright and being able to see, though he was, as usual, asleep in about twenty minutes. He also got a lot more smiles from our fellow walkers/joggers/bikers, since they were able to see his adorable, drooly little face. He's always ridden reclined, facing backward, and with a sunscreen covering him in the other stroller. So now he knows what the hell a car looks like, having heard them roaring by over and over again. He still hasn't a clue what a doggie looks like, though. Or a leaf blower.

I've gained 22 pounds in five months, so I feel pretty good about the morning workout. I actually jogged with the jogging stroller. Not continuously for the whole three miles, but for three sustained sections of the three miles. I finished 11 minutes faster than my previous best walking time, so that's a start. I had to nap with the Thumpster this afternoon, though. I don't think I'll jog tomorrow. I think tonight I'll look through my yoga book and put together a routine that I can handle. I'm going to have to work my way up to that Rodney Yee dude. I'm not sure yoga's going to be quite as effective at knocking the boy unconscious as three miles of vibration. Maybe he'll doze off from boredom.

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